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End of the Round and 2020 Goals – ROW80 2019 R4-21

I can’t believe the year is up already! As usual, I found my motivation late. I’m going to keep going with my writing over the break as I’m trying to establish good habits and a schedule that works for me.

I’m also a little relieved that it is the final check in for 2019. It has been a hectic year and I could use a breather on a lot of things.

I’ve been preparing for this goals post for a couple of weeks now. I got some things done in 2019, but I don’t feel like I have enough to show for it in terms of my writing progress. Next year, I’m doing things a little differently to hopefully meet more of my targets. I have sections in my planner where I can log my progress. Many of my goals are actually habit tracking exercises.


2019: Target – I will get a new job after this contract finishes.

2019: Actual – I secured a full-time permanent job in the department I previously temped in. My car was paid off. One credit card was paid off. The other credit card is close to paid off. I have been making regular payments on my student loan. This is all a drastic improvement!

2020: I have created a savings plan and a payments tracker. I am creating a budget. I have to figure out what I’m doing with my investments as switching to a different financial planner didn’t work out.


2019: Target – I will learn all the most common words and phrases this year.

2019: Actual – I had to abandon this as life got too hectic with a new job and other pressures.

2020: Target – 15 minutes a day and 320 new words or phrases. Part of my savings will go to learning more French.


2019: Target – I will regularly practice and challenge Sandan.

2019: I hardly went to martial arts this year between life and a broken toe. I have a new doctor now and am getting back on track.

2020: I have created a Jodo & Iaido tracker as well as a workout log. I don’t typically go to martial arts on Tuesday nights because it has me out too late, which makes me tired for work all the rest of the week. That being said, I can still put time aside at home for self study to learn the names of the katas, footwork, theory, draws and notos, and things I haven’t thought of yet. I’ve done most kata, but I can’t remember the names or orders of many of the koryu for iaido. I barely know any kata for jodo. There’s a lot I can learn without even having a weapon in my hands. I can use a ruler or something to get a large amount of the rest down pat. I have an exercise schedule that I plan to get into. There is already space in my planner devoted for it. I am also on the hunt for a new dentist that direct bills.


2019: Target – I will finish decluttering and fix up my bathroom. I will work on developing more close friendships and make time for my relationship.

2019: Actual – I made huge strides in the declutter efforts and on some other home projects. While there is still quite a lot to do, I feel pretty good about where I’ve gotten. I had to end the relationship for my own happiness and health. I do feel like I have become closer with several of my friends though.

2020: I want to do more cooking this year, so I will be tracking how much I eat in vs out each week. This will likely save me money too. I will also be continuing the declutter and efforts to make my home nicer. Also built into my schedule is fun time like gaming. I joined a D&D group and also want to spend a little more time playing video games because they really help me unwind from the stresses of the week.


2019: Target – Trumpet: I will get my embouchure back. (Oops!)

2019: Actual – I didn’t do much with trumpet, but got into piano instead. I took lessons for awhile until I found they really weren’t working for me. I really enjoy the piano though and decided to self study.

2020: Target – I have a log to track how regular my playing is. There is a section with room for 80 songs, which may be a bit ambitious, but some songs are small or rudimentary like Mary Had a Little Lamb. I’ll be studying the chord method, which is supposed to allow one to learn songs quickly. I’m continuing with the 3 days per week that I’ve already established.


2019: Target – I will read 8 books or more.

2019: Actual – I have read 13 books.

2020: Target – 16 books.


2019: I never set out to figure this out in 2019, but it happened and I feel like it was important for catharsis in some areas of my life.

2020: I’m going to continue down the path through books, events, meeting other people, and see where it leads me.


2019: Targets | The Blood Waitress Club – I will complete a first draft. | Puppy Chow – I will search for a producer. | Crisis – I will revise this and enter it into contests. | The Page & The Magician (a.k.a. Sparks) – I will query agents.

2019: Actual – I feel like I made progress, but not as much as I would have liked. I did go through a lot of learning with my book and changed the country it’s set in and its genre, which were pretty major changes that have set me on a path that I think has improved the story and the level of my writing though. Version 5 of the novel was at 67,417 words and Version 6 is at 74,512, so I think I can definitely say progress has been made.

2020: Target – Get one novel (Sparks) and one screenplay (The Mockumentary) submitted. Once I finish Sparks, I will then work on The Blood Waitress Club in terms of novels.


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