For my garden, I'm building a simple cage for protecting my plants from rodents. This cage features thin framing screwed together with chicken wire stapled to it. Pretty standard. I've gone through three staple guns.
The first one I bought was the Stanley TR35 Light Duty Tacker. The fit was perfect fit my child sized hands and it was easy to squeeze. For some reason, it jammed to the point of complete blockage and could not fire a thing.
Next, I tried the Stanley TR110 Heavy Duty Staple Gun. I got about 4 staples in and couldn't work with it any longer. It took my entire weight and both hands to squeeze the trigger and more often than not the staples would misfire.
Finally, I went to home depot with the intention of buying a specific Dewalt one, the Dewalt Heavy Duty Stapler. Trying the handle it was too hard to squeeze and so I tried the others in the area. I considered the Powershot by Arrow as I used to own one of those (ex got to keep that), but it felt harder to press than I remembered.
In the end, I chose the Dewalt 5-in-1 Multi-Tacker. It fits my hand nicely, isn't too hard to squeeze, and works well.
I now have hope to finish these cages in a reasonable amount of time to grow food.