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Funky Friday: Week of June 3rd

[caption id="attachment_4712" align="alignright" width="300"]Image created using Bit Strips. Image created using Bit Strips.[/caption]

What's been up this week? More than enough.


  1. Happy: There's a new member of my extended family. A healthy 7lb boy.

  2. Worried: The mom of the baby had a tough time delivering and is in ICU. Many moons ago she was my flower girl. Hopefully, mom and baby will get to go home soon.

  3. Stressed: My writing deadline is fast-approaching and I keep finding major issues in my manuscript! They're all near the end of the story. My word count isn't high enough either for the genre.

  4. Well: I've done some trials with yeast and dairy. So far I haven't been reacting to them. One major change I made recently was to go completely gluten free.

  5. Tired: Been working so hard on my book it's probably wearing me out, but it must get done!

  6. Excited: My new boss likes meetings way less than the previous one.

  7. Nervous: I haven't met my new boss yet. That happens next week. I've worked with him a tiny bit but have little idea what he is like as a boss.

  8. Anxious: I put one of my tomato plants outside overnight. I had bad dreams of it being torn to shreds by the wind. There are a few battered leaves, but it mostly made out OK. The other isn't big enough yet. I guess I've spent so much time nursing them over the past couple of months that I care what happens to them. Silly, right?


  1. Ready: Prose in the Park is tomorrow! Come to Parkdale Park between 11am and 6pm to meet Ottawa-area authors, listen to interesting discussions about a variety of topics (some writing specific), and buy some good reads. It's free admission and the panels are free too. I'll be around. It's a small park, so I shouldn't be too hard to locate. There's a poetry night tonight for those who can make it as well at Origin Studio from 6:30-9:30pm.


  1. Sad: The gorilla thing made me upset. My first reaction, like many, was to ask why the parents didn't keep a closer eye on their child particularly when he said he was going to go in and tried several times. But I'm not a parent. I do know how hard it can be to keep a toddler from running off with several adults watching. It only takes one very brief moment for them to get by. And they run fast despite their short legs. My next reaction was that they should have just knocked the gorilla out. Since then, I've read a lot about the issue. People who have extensive experience working with gorillas have stated a tranq wouldn't have taken in time. The boy would have died because despite what it looked like to the untrained eye, the gorilla was not protecting the boy and it was not happy that the boy was in its cage. The public is to blame for this. Why? Because the only reason the boy could get into the cage in the first place is because any more stringent measures to keep people out will diminish the "natural" view of the animal by onlookers. In other words, we'd see more of the cage. People have stated they don't want to see the cage. A lot of people say zoos shouldn't exist at all. I'm not weighing in on that one. The few I've been to operate as rescues for animals people tried to have as pets, but couldn't handle once they got bigger.

  2. Relieved: Precious art is being moved from the Louvre to get out of the flood zone. Hopefully, people are too?

Well, I'm off to get ready for work. Roller derby bout tonight. And Prose in the Park is tomorrow. Somehow I'll manage to get this book done before Wednesday.


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