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I didn't drop off the face of the Earth.

I've been having adventures lately, so I haven't been writing about proverbs or anything. Sorry if you were looking for them.

This weekend I visited a friend in Peterborough, Ontario. Peterborough is a lovely city with an unfortunate lack of jobs and a coinciding high incidence of drug usage. There are around 11 methadone clinics there. The province opens more clinics rather than bringing in companies that can give jobs. The social workers are busy, but not paid well. It would be wonderful if this issue could be fixed. The surrounding area is full of gorgeous lakes, fertile farm lands, and lush greenery. The people there are friendly and there is a strong sense of community despite the drug problem.

I had a lovely time with my friend and his family. They truly care about the planet and try to reuse anything they find rather seeing it go to waste. I think that's awesome. They also have a bee colony that pollinates their own vegetable garden! Unfortunately, the bee colony collapses every winter despite winterizing the box. My friend's wife told me some of them die in the middle of eating. Every spring she opens the box to find dead bees :(

I initially went for the visit to practice my martial art at the Kenshokan dojo there. You can read about those adventures here. I ended up also officiating roller derby while I was there.

Twenty minutes from their home, I got my first speeding ticket. I plan to make it my last. Life has been a bit odd for me over the last couple of years and I had documentation in the car in two names and four different addresses. I also had only outdated insurance information with me. I was transporting a sword, so that had the potential to be awkward... It probably would have been okay considering it doesn't have a live blade...

It's times like this where I wonder if I should just have one blog, but then I figure Iaido folks might not want to read about my writing stuff or roller derby stuff, etc. Also, a post about the weekend could be rather long... I'm not sure if three smaller posts is better than one long post or vice versa?

This week is rather packed with work things and some personal things, so I probably won't write a lot on my blogs, but instead spend time on "Scion", which is the working title for the novel I am working on. People often ask what my novel is about. Here it is, "A supranatural boy flees his home planet after he is marked as a threat to all existence." I came up with that in the shower a week or so ago and kept repeating it to myself until I could write it down.

Well time to carefully nibble on some nourishment as my mouth is still frozen from dentist adventures. And I forgot to pick up light bulbs, so I will do that in the dark...


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