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I had a different post planned, but then I got Covid and got preoccupied dealing with all that brought. Sorry for disappearing.

The scariest thing about having Covid was that it's new. It doesn't progress the way other illnesses have for me. Usually they gradually get worse until they peak and then they gradually get better. I had days that felt like no change happened and ones where I would get a new symptom like a severe headache that felt just like the neck pain I occasionally get ever since I hurt myself playing roller derby.

And a problematic thing for someone with Sjogren's Syndrome is that it can be hard to tell if I'm actually fevered or my body is just having a moment where it thinks it is. I can usually figure it out if I'm having the other fever symptoms like the chapped lips at least.

Luckily, I recovered just in time to attend Can-Con 2022. But Covid is one hell of a thing and I have some lingering symptoms like a dry cough and erratic energy levels. My brain also feels a touch off. 

Oh, and my ability to taste food is all over. I had fries from A&W and they were crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. Normally, I would absolutely love this, but I couldn't taste them at all. They were crispy nothings.

A couple hours later and I seem to be able to taste lactose free gouda without issue.

Despite all that and my mask making my nose run, Can-Con Day 1 was wonderful! It was so good seeing some friends that I haven't in years. I'm looking forward to what Day 2 brings after I have some rest because I'm truly beat after shopping for snacks, voting in our city election, getting myself to the convention, and taking some panels in.

Speaking of, those were very enjoyable. I especially liked learning truths about volcanoes that make the journey in Lord of the Rings impossible. Did you know that lava is actually hard like rock? What a thing to discover!



- research a 0% credit card to consolidate debt to*: I may be changing my mind on this one. If you miss any payments at all, you can lose the 0% deal, plus there is the fee to transfer, and it may not actually help me much after all.


- rowing 2x weekly: Covid really messed this up.
- moving (walking/dancing/curling/cleaning) 4x weekly: I got some cleaning done despite Covid.


- sell items*
- set up reading nook*: The base is in place and so is the mattress. I need a sheet to cover it.
- set up daybed in the living room: This has been accomplished.
- clean condo: In progress.


- Practise
- Learn at least one song*: I've chosen a song to focus on.

Twitch Update

- continue working towards Affiliate


- edit Chapter 14 (Sparker)*
- edit Chapter 15 (Sparker)
- continue working on Popcorn Girl

*I actually haven't been doing ROW80 for a while for my accountability. I'm part of Danielle Allard's Dino community, which is filled with delightful chaos, and the starred goals are my priority ones for the month. They are the ones I'm reporting on there. I've found quarterly goals to be too much.

Please check out my digital to-do list:

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