When you read, do you say the words in your head? I do. And I never knew that a lot of people don't. I don't understand how to read without subvocalizing.
Anyway, if you didn't know that, you do now.
I walked a lot while I was on vacation except for those couple days it poured. On Thursday, my scooter's front wheel caught on something and sent me for a tumble. I came out of that with mildly scraped palms, a slightly scraped calve, and a very sore left thumb. I cleaned and bandaged my wounds and then wrapped my left hand in a tensor bandage. It wasn't until today that the base of my thumb showed a bruise. I canceled plans on Saturday because I was too sore to consider dancing.
I've started getting items up on Marketplace, starting with my old dishwasher. I'm putting the cash towards a rowing machine
Instead of LotR, I'm doing a short challenge: The Inca Road. I think LotR will be a fall thing. One thing I really like about these challenges is that they get me learning about different parts of the world. I never knew where Peru was and now I know it's in South America. Not only that, but the trail goes from Ecuador to Argentina. I know a bunch of people from Chile and Argentina from martial arts, so it's neat to learn a little bit more about where they are from.
I think I found my next steps for learning keytar. I ordered a book that focuses on some specific skills after watching a YouTube video on bass guitar. I promise this makes sense and someday I'll explain it.
Near the end of my vacation, I got the idea for a new screenplay. And I'm really excited about it. I started the Save the Cat method and I'm trying to get about 5 pages written each day. If course, that was pretty much impossible for much of this week given work, Pride prep, a colleague's retirement dinner, a visit with friends, and catching up after vacation. I'm 7 pages into the new screenplay. It came to me the night before I was leaving town to come back to Ottawa. This made the trip longer because I kept waking up with more ideas about this story. And this week, it also woke me up again.
That first episode of The Wilds! Such twist!
Come September, I'm planning to reduce my outings, so I can focus more on my goals. Until then, it's Pride Week in Ottawa beginning tomorrow!
Goal 1: Put items up on marketplace. [Moved to August - Started]
Goal 2: Plan next steps in the declutter. [DONE]
Goal 1: Get the tires changed/stored and the calipers handled on my car. [July - PARTIALLY DONE]
Goal 2: Book an appointment with my advisor to see if there is something I can do like take a small amount of my RRSP to wipe it all out, then get promptly back to contributing. [August]
Goal 1: Finish the Paris challenge. [August - DONE]
Goal 2: Sign up for the next challenge. [August - DONE]
Goal 3: Purchase a rowing machine that folds up. [September]
Goal 1: Continue researching the genre [July-September]
Goal 2: Come up with a practice routine. [August]
Twitch Update
Goal 1: Update the about list with your commands [July - DONE]
Goal 2: Get to Affiliate [?]
Goal 3: Install origami holder [July - DONE]
Goal 1: Add music to Popcorn Girl [July]
Goal 2: Edit 3+ chapters of Sparker [July-September]
Please check out my digital to-do list: https://trello.com/b/RM8yD3eq/rae-roy-general