On Wednesday, I hung out online at the Wakefield Writer's FĂȘte. It's a writing festival I've only discovered because of work creating lists of things to do. Last night's panel was on song writing and it was hosted by a comedian, so I had an enjoyable time.
We're inching up quickly on National Novel Writer's Month (NaNoWriMo) and I couldn't remember what my plan was for it. I swear I wrote something down, but I have no idea where. Clearly, a digital declutter will be on the horizon soon enough. After digging into my ideas folder, I've cobbled together a plan for a short story anthology. A hiccup though, I apparently have two NaNoWriMo accounts and the bulk of my projects are on the one I can't log into. I've sent tech support an email and am hoping they can merge the two accounts.
As far as ukulele goes, I'm recently worked on Stitches by Shawn Mendes because it was the first challenge I had. It was not my type of music generally, but the song had some skills that I needed to learn, which made it fun to play. When I first started learning it, the full speed was intimidating and I couldn't keep up. I started with reducing it to 50% speed. Once I got decent at 75%, I kept working at it until I felt good enough about 100% speed. Now that I can keep up with it for the most part, I've added it to my favourites to continue working with. It's good for skills and I think I can make it tighter.
I've noticed that since I started playing the uke a little bit every day, I've felt happier.
My main Hallowe'en evening plans fell through, but there were other events. Friday had a Zoom event that I didn't end up going to, but it was an option. On Saturday, I watched the Crow because it's a Devil's Night tradition. I also watched a friend stream a horror game on Twitch in the afternoon. Tonight, I think I'm staying in and maybe doing a virtual Haunted Walk or gaming and prepping more for NaNoWriMo 2021. I'm also making some pumpkin puree to attempt a mini gluten free pumpkin pie.
If you want an update on my goals, click here: https://trello.com/b/RM8yD3eq/rae-roy-general