[caption id="attachment_4711" align="alignright" width="300"] Image created using Bit Strips.[/caption]
Has it really only been a week since the Ontario Colleges strike started? It feels much longer for some reason. I don't feel like I've been getting as much done as I want to. The strike has thrown me off course a little. I didn't realize how much having to be at school for certain times was helping me ensure I did other things on time like laundry, groceries, etc. I was eating breakfast every morning before instead of sleeping in because I had nothing to eat for breakfast and didn't want to go to the store.
Having had my life thrown off kilter a number of times now between going through a divorce and job loss, I'm a little quicker to see it and do something about it at least.
On Sunday, I learned about a man named Richard Hooker who helped restore the balance during a highly polarized time in human history. He said all humans have a basic sense of what's right and wrong. He advised that the truth gets confused sometimes by passion and/or anger and we need to be able to allow logic to lead us back to the truth. It's not about following every rule just because they exist. It's about doing things that make sense. People who can overcome their passion and anger to let the truth in even when the truth proves them wrong are the people that help lead us away from war.
So after church, I hauled ass to get groceries, make a healthy breakfast, and put some laundry on to get back on track before Iaido and B-Movie Club. I grabbed some frozen dinners, so I could fit in a meal after Iaido and hopefully get time to see a certain little boy. All this made my day pretty busy, but I also felt good. He was having fun playing with his sister and auntie, so it was more adult time, but that's always good too.
Iaido went well. It had me thinking about things like where I want to take my iaido in the future. Oh, we talk like that. There's the art, then there's how we as individuals perform the art. So the kata has key things that need to be there, but your timing and some feeling can be different like whether or not you immediately go into jodan after a cut or briefly pause at chudan to show ownership of the centre. This is not for my current level really, but it's really cool.
Talking after class about Star Wars made me think about the next tattoo I want. I talked to my artist and he thinks it's a cool one. It shouldn't take long. I need to decide if I want to go colour or not. Probably will go with colour. I'm really excited about it. Hey, if I get it soon, it'll be nicely healed in time for the movie :D
My next plan is to add in some exercise every morning, even if it's only 20 or so minutes a day. I read that morning exercise does more good than evening exercise as it helps you wake up sooner and get more done throughout the day because you're energized.
I don't know how much I'm going to go to class this week. I write better in my own space rather than around other people. I could just start doing things each day like watch something like Hamlet or perhaps Now: In the Wings on a World Stage today. Actually, maybe I'll find a version of A Midsummer Night's Dream as that's one I've neither seen nor read, but there were scenes of it in one of my favourite movies, Dead Poet's Society and I've been curious about it for a long time now.
Anyway, I aim to finish my 7-10 page treatment this week then move on to the next items on the list. Those are a rewrite of a document for the PSA project and researching for a presentation. I think the actual presentation will be delayed due to the strike as I imagine he'll start with whoever was supposed to present in the weeks before my partner and I, but it'll be good to have information gathered and I can see what my partner wants to do. Our topic has a long history and it's a lot to cover. I'm thinking we focus on a couple of key people and just briefly mention some other famous ones.
I suppose that's all for today.
Guid cheerio the nou,
Has it really only been a week since the Ontario Colleges strike started? It feels much longer for some reason. I don't feel like I've been getting as much done as I want to. The strike has thrown me off course a little. I didn't realize how much having to be at school for certain times was helping me ensure I did other things on time like laundry, groceries, etc. I was eating breakfast every morning before instead of sleeping in because I had nothing to eat for breakfast and didn't want to go to the store.
Having had my life thrown off kilter a number of times now between going through a divorce and job loss, I'm a little quicker to see it and do something about it at least.
On Sunday, I learned about a man named Richard Hooker who helped restore the balance during a highly polarized time in human history. He said all humans have a basic sense of what's right and wrong. He advised that the truth gets confused sometimes by passion and/or anger and we need to be able to allow logic to lead us back to the truth. It's not about following every rule just because they exist. It's about doing things that make sense. People who can overcome their passion and anger to let the truth in even when the truth proves them wrong are the people that help lead us away from war.
So after church, I hauled ass to get groceries, make a healthy breakfast, and put some laundry on to get back on track before Iaido and B-Movie Club. I grabbed some frozen dinners, so I could fit in a meal after Iaido and hopefully get time to see a certain little boy. All this made my day pretty busy, but I also felt good. He was having fun playing with his sister and auntie, so it was more adult time, but that's always good too.
Iaido went well. It had me thinking about things like where I want to take my iaido in the future. Oh, we talk like that. There's the art, then there's how we as individuals perform the art. So the kata has key things that need to be there, but your timing and some feeling can be different like whether or not you immediately go into jodan after a cut or briefly pause at chudan to show ownership of the centre. This is not for my current level really, but it's really cool.
Talking after class about Star Wars made me think about the next tattoo I want. I talked to my artist and he thinks it's a cool one. It shouldn't take long. I need to decide if I want to go colour or not. Probably will go with colour. I'm really excited about it. Hey, if I get it soon, it'll be nicely healed in time for the movie :D
My next plan is to add in some exercise every morning, even if it's only 20 or so minutes a day. I read that morning exercise does more good than evening exercise as it helps you wake up sooner and get more done throughout the day because you're energized.
I don't know how much I'm going to go to class this week. I write better in my own space rather than around other people. I could just start doing things each day like watch something like Hamlet or perhaps Now: In the Wings on a World Stage today. Actually, maybe I'll find a version of A Midsummer Night's Dream as that's one I've neither seen nor read, but there were scenes of it in one of my favourite movies, Dead Poet's Society and I've been curious about it for a long time now.
Anyway, I aim to finish my 7-10 page treatment this week then move on to the next items on the list. Those are a rewrite of a document for the PSA project and researching for a presentation. I think the actual presentation will be delayed due to the strike as I imagine he'll start with whoever was supposed to present in the weeks before my partner and I, but it'll be good to have information gathered and I can see what my partner wants to do. Our topic has a long history and it's a lot to cover. I'm thinking we focus on a couple of key people and just briefly mention some other famous ones.
I suppose that's all for today.
Guid cheerio the nou,