... has almost nothing to do with creating.
It's all the basic life skills and activities like food. Seriously. Remembering to eat when you're in the zone is nigh impossible. And when you come out of the zone, you're dizzy and starving, which isn't the best state to be in when trying to cook a healthy meal. Usually, I can cobble something together from whatever is around the condo anyway, but sometimes it's a mishmash. Saturday was leftover turkey meatballs, frozen corn, eggs, some bell pepper, and diet pepsi. I was just about in dire need of groceries though.
But this happens with most chores and me. Creating takes a lot of energy and with no one to help split up the workload at home, I'm nearly always behind. So far behind that I wonder whether or not I'll ever catch up enough to want another human to even see my home.
It doesn't help that I'm a spoonie or that I grew up with a mom who often avoided chores by escaping into a romance novel or a television show. She'd eventually do things, but after everyone else headed to sleep.
I regularly feel like it'll be easier once more of the clutter is gone because I won't have part of my mental processes thinking about the clutter.
- Sell items: The big thing on my list right now is the tub surround I never should have bought.
- Clean condo: Ongoing.
- Book calipers appointment.
- Try to get a 0% card after the calipers are done to make payments easier and more effective.
- Rowing 3x weekly: So far, I'm managing once a week.
- Walking/dancing 3x weekly: Also once a week currently.
- Craft a schedule: I'm aiming for 30 minutes on at least 4 days of the week.
- Continue working towards Affiliate
- Edit Chapter 14 (Sparker): OK, so I re-edited the prologue and chapters 1-4 on Saturday because I finally figured out those last bits I needed to change in the story.
- Edit Chapter 15 (Sparker)
- Continue working on Popcorn Girl
Feel free to check out my digital to-do list: https://trello.com/b/RM8yD3eq/rae-roy-general