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Make It Monday - Struggling to Find Routine

bitmoji_goalsI'm struggling to get used to the new semester.

Here's my class schedule:

Monday 9-12
Tuesday 12-3
Wednesday 2-5
Thursday 10-6
Friday TBD

Yes, I realize there aren't a lot of in-class hours compared to some programs, but almost all of our serious work is to be done on our own time. It looks light, but it's anything but.

To get there on time, I need to leave about 2 hours earlier. That means on Mondays I need to get up early to shower and eat something. Now, I know what this sounds like. Yes, for an office job, that's normal. The thing is that much of my work is done at home in the wee hours, because that's when creative people generally thrive. I'm not a morning person. I didn't feel awake until class was over today and I was on the bus ride home.

But it IS only the second week of classes and our first Monday. I know Mondays will get better. For three Mondays in March, we'll be having class at night instead as we attend rehearsals and watch actors practice our plays or monologues. And there's one holiday Monday for Family Day. That means that there are 9 rough Mondays including today, so 8 rough ones left.

I think the thing is that I really have to mould my own routine this semester because every day is very different while last semester's Mondays and Wednesdays were the same and Tuesdays and Thursdays were only different by 30 minutes. Ultimately, this is good for me even if it doesn't feel like it right now. This is what life is likely to be like if I end up doing freelance writing instead of being employed at a specific place.


I'm having a bad week for martial arts, but I hosted B-Movie club on the weekend and had things to do for that. Tomorrow, I may not make it as I am taking Naloxone training and we're getting a ton of snow right now, which may or may not become a problem for bus timings and such.

Otherwise on the fitness front, I'm also a little behind, but the Christmas tree was in my way to start doing things. Now that it has been put away, I'm intending to get started. My plan is to do some yoga tonight. Why? It has so many benefits including strength, flexibility, and all that comes with meditation. I figure it may be a gentle way to continue improving my posture too. It's also supposed to be good for core and may help rid me of this bit of extra tummy.

As far as cleaning goes, I finally put away my Christmas tree, I have cleaned up my writing nook enough to use it, and I'm gathering things to sell. As usual, I'm behind on dishes, but I'm not going to stress out about those. With the goal I have in mind, someday I shouldn't have much more than dishes and laundry to clean.

I'm not doing as much practical music as I want, but I'm listening to a lot. I might not have time to get serious about it right now as it's taking me a long time to read this script. If I'm playing a couple times a week, that might be more reasonable.

I haven't worked more on my novel since last week yet. I've started an assignment for one of my classes as we have to read and analyze a screenplay then watch the movie and compare them. I know that will take some time, so I spent time selecting my film and started reading the script while taking some notes that cover the things the presentation needs to cover. I feel like there is so much great stuff to learn, it's hard to focus on anything in particular right now, so I'm making my list of deadlines to help me prioritize.

So I'm making mostly baby steps.

And that's how the river of life is flowing today.


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