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Merry Monday - Taking the Reigns

[caption id="attachment_4711" align="alignright" width="300"]merry_monday Image created using Bit Strips.[/caption]

I forgot to post on Saturday. I meant to, but I got into taking control of other areas of my life and have been so full of inspiration to write that I just couldn't spare the time.

On the weekend, I discovered that the Kindle app has something called collections. In the early stages of writing Scion, I downloaded every free book about survival. This made it hard to find any of the books I had before the survival ones. Now, all my survival related books are in the Survival collection and I removed almost all of them from the carousel, so I can access only the books I want to read soon. I also made collections for specific authors like Marie Bilodeau as I have several of her eBooks in my Kindle app and though I'm done them, I'll probably want to reread them at some point, so I don't want to delete them. I also had a lot of recipe books that are now in a Food collection. With the clutter removed, I can find things. I have slowly been making progress on my Dropbox and Google Drive as well in an attempt to be ready to work come September as there's nothing more annoying than having difficulty knowing where you stored something.

I'm working on this in the world beyond my devices. There's a certain clinical psychologist that has drawn a lot of hell for one particular view he has, but he says a lot of smart things like, "There's a lot of young people today planning to save the world who can't even clean their bedrooms." He's completely right about that. We have to start small. Instead of seeing my whole house, I have to see it in manageable chunks, quit complaining, stop daydreaming, and just suck it up. It's a little more complicated being the child of a hoarder, but I get to decide whether to be a victim or take the reigns of life and steer it in the direction I want. Of course, I'd rather play video games, but who wouldn't? I've amazed myself at how much progress I made this weekend in a relatively short amount of time while it was storming on Sunday. I *think* I've found all the glass from the bulb I broke many weeks ago.

There was another neat discovery this weekend. InspiroBot is a generation tool. Many of my friends have been a little obsessed with its outputs and posting them all over social media. It often spouts out awkward truths that people don't like to discuss like this. One might argue that is the perfect way to describe politics or any kind of situation that needs someone who is other than those in your clique. It also puts out some deep thoughts like this one.  That's Matrix style thinking right there.


It's been a while since I last did a goals update, so here goes:

Novel: I'm converting to third person limited, but have been writing a lot lately. Word count is now at 73,379 though a fair chunk of those are old blog posts. It's probably more likely about half of that. I outlined this one and it's going smoother than the last. I do have some other projects begging for attention, but I've mostly been focusing on this one.

Screeplay: My screenplay is at 2,813 words, but I'm about a third of the way through the story in terms of how many sequences I've written. I'm enjoying Save the Cat.

Reading: vN is a fantastic piece of literature, which happens to be a YA cyberpunk tale. I'm 105 pages into it.

Course: I'm behind, but it's OK. I'm enjoying a fair amount of it. Some of it, I already know from writing and from reading writing craft books as well as having taking business in university. I may have already gotten the main thing I needed out of it, but we'll see.

Songwriting: I think my finger is finally healed, so I can start playing guitar again. I spoke with a DJ friend and found a free GarageBand alternative for windows that I'm going to start messing around with called LMMS once I figure out how to finish setting it up.

Kitchen Reno: 2 of 3 drawers put together but I think one bottom needs a screw or something to keep it from sliding around.

Cleaning: Major progress made. I can actually see having other humans in my home at some point in the near future.

Sewing: Still having fun with the vague purse pattern, but it's coming together. I should have a new purse soon that can fit my phone, glasses, and a book.

I think that's all I have for updates.


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