Easter weekend started off on a bit of a sour note for me. After waiting around for 2 hours for a police record check on Wednesday, the place that wanted it decided to tell me 30 minutes before I was supposed to meet with them that they didn't need me anymore. The meeting was supposed to be in the evening. So I wasted my time and could've left town two days sooner had they had the decency to figure it out a week and a half ago. It's rare that I give anyone another chance to waste my time these days. Time isn't something you can get back.
The drive to visit my family wasn't bad. There were a couple of folks that would pass me just to exit the highway. Not sure why they were in the left lane if they knew they were exiting, but I guess there are different types of drivers. The mostly thawed lakes were stunning. There's so much beauty on the drive as the ecosystems are awakening from their slumber.
I ended up with quite a headache from the sun that was on me for several hours. When I arrived at my destination, mom was roasting a chicken and the house was hot too as no one had opened any windows. It wasn't until my cool walk home after visiting a friend that my headache had left.
I consumed a scary amount of calories this weekend. Especially on Sunday. There was a bottle of sangria, multiple pieces of cake, and actual food. I better work hard this week to burn it off! I was hoping to play Pokemon Go while visiting, but it rained most of the time I was there. It's been a long time since it actually rained in April like it's supposed to though, so I can forgive mother nature.
I enjoyed catching up with friends and mostly enjoyed seeing my family. The last couple of years have been hard. My parents have had a couple of health scares and haven't yet put a will together so we've mentioned it and explained the importance. Not the happiest of topics for sure, but sometimes things just have to be talked about. The last thing I want is to be in a situation where siblings are fighting over petty items. I've seen that happen. Also, one of my siblings could end up in a really bad situation without a will, so we're trying to make sure he'll be ok. One parent is gung ho to get it handled and the other doesn't want to do it. Some people feel children have no business talking to their parents about these things, but it's not just about assets. It's important to know things like burial vs cremation and if they have a plot already or not. Do they want extraordinary measures taken to keep them alive? There are a lot of things that are important to know.
Anyway, onto other subjects. This week I'll be spending more time figuring out the financial side of going to school. I'm hoping not to deplete all my retirement funds to do this, but also hoping that whatever I do need to use I'll be able to pay back. I'm starting an online business and looking into part time work through the school. I'm hoping for something complimentary that doesn't add to my workload immensely. I'll have four writing courses in the first semester so I'd like something related to what I'm learning, but not on the writing side. Maybe there will be something I can do in the theatre.
In a couple of days, the script writing version of NaNoWriMo begins. I'm going to give it a try as I expect it will teach me a lot regardless of whether the script ends up being any good.
Traveling back to Ottawa today. It's adorable toddler's birthday and I have something for him. He's growing up so fast and will be starting school soon.
Well, I need to shower, eat, finish packing, and get on my way.