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Merry Monday - Blue Monday 2017

moon-969236_640This weekend has been all over the map.

Friday turned out unexpectedly good. As you may recall, I was dreading my appointment. I don't really like going on in winter unless I'm doing something with friends. By registering with this one recruiter, I had the option of being registered with another. I'm now registered with three recruiters in Ottawa, so triple the chances of getting work! After the appointment, I went on a search to get tickets for the bus. I didn't find the store for them, but at this corner the bus that takes me really close to home, the bus I can never catch, was right on the corner and despite not having the proper funds, the busdriver let me on. I had too little change or a $10 bill. I put in a ticket for excellent customer service without mentioning exactly what he did as I don't want him to get in trouble. It was really cold that day too!

I pulled together a decent supper with a glass wine and managed to gobble my food down before it was time for writing group. My group enjoyed my WIP short sci-fi story, which is a nice boost. Group ended early, so I watched The Girl with All the Gifts. It was a different take on a zombie apocalypse. I don't recommend it to pregnant women. I do recommend it to everyone else. It's not extremely horrifying or overly gory. I hear the book is great too. Now I'm wondering if it's only one book or a series...

I didn't do a lot on Saturday. It was the anniversary of Alan Rickman's passing and I watched The January Man in honour of him. It's January and I'd never seen it before. It was a decent movie, but it needed more Rickman. Oh, I also made delicious gluten free wings in the oven that were golden and crispy. After that I watched Little Ashes. I really liked it. I enjoyed learning more about Salvador Dali and Federico Garcia Lorca.

On Sunday, I figured out my bank accounts are having issues. One account, my main one with all my money in it, had somehow lost its bank card mapping, so money has been coming out of the other one. That account I only transfer into as needed, so now it's overdrawn. As a result? I couldn't access either of them from a debit terminal and had to buy groceries with my credit card. Oh, also, I stupidly gave a cheque for the wrong account to my condo corp for the special assessment and of course it bounced. And my condo corp decided to take the monthly fee out of the wrong account, so I sent a nasty email to them because there is zero percent reason why they should've made a change to my monthly payment. I'm going to consolidate them into one account and not have this problem in the future. For now, I put the cheques for that account in a bag and left myself a note saying those are not the cheques to use. I've been to the banks today and I have successfully gotten my bank card designation fixed. My mortgage is also fixed, though I came to fix it so early that it didn't show on their system, so they were confused as to why I was giving them money. I have a receipt. The account that gets paid from has been changed now as well. My life insurance is also updated. I think the only thing left is my car payment. The lady that fixed my bank card issue suggested I call tomorrow to close my one savings account as the other two I have make more in interest. I shall do that. I tried to use the phone earlier to fix this, but I didn't have a 5-digit password and apparently I won't need it to get through as they'll just ask me things to verify who I am. I have this feeling that PC Financial has gotten hacked to a degree. How else would my bank card designations suddenly change?

Iaido was lovely on Sunday as it was only me on the student side of the room. I got corrections for a couple of kata, specifically Shinobu and Ukenagashi. Hopefully, those will stay in my brain and be accessible the next time we do that set. Shinobu makes a lot more sense now. It's amazing what a slight footwork change can do to a whole kata.

Aside from fixing banking problems today, I also need to fix up my resume, and go to my first day of French level 3. I stopped at the liquor store to get some wine for my sanity and to confirm that my bank card issue was resolved. I hope the "soft, easy-drinking" red I picked up is tasty. I will test it with some pasta this week. I also got a small bottle of sake. They have way less on the shelf now that it isn't Christmastime... Note to self for next year. Actually, I should just find a place that has my favourite one and stock up. Maybe the little blue bottle will become my favourite though... I also got more of the Sangria I received as a gift because it's tasty. I didn't find any Barolo there. Not even in the vintage section.

Well, I should eat lunch though I never got to breakfast. Wait. I think I had a couple of marshmallows for breakfast actually. I think I'll be happy when this day is complete. At least I've been too busy fixing things to be overcome by the melancholy that often comes with Blue Monday?


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