Well, it's been one week without a job, but it hasn't been a week without work. I've been very busy applying to jobs and even busier with my writing. I've also been quite busy reducing expenses and calculating how much money I actually need to live. What I've discovered is that I can live on less.
I've been getting responses from recruiters and may have some interviews soon. It may be contract work ahead and that is just fine. A writer friend mentioned to me that I could take writing breaks in between contracts. Contracts often pay more than regular jobs. If I'm smart with my budget, I could take time off when I'd rather do something like travel.
I have options for benefits with my previous plan or once I am published through the authors association. Whichever plan costs me less is what I'll go with as they are about the same.
I'm less scared today. I know I'll get through this.
Sadly, Winchester the Amazing Betta fish is no longer with us. I found him in his tank. It was as though he was heading down to the bottom of the tank and he died mid way. I conducted a private burial at sea for him last night.
I took a writing break to call Daddy for mechanical advice on a part of my short story. Back to it now. I'm on a deadline!