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2024 - Week 16

Arts & Crafts

I turned a first crochet square into a basket. Because I couldn't figure out which hook size was used to make it, I knitted the sides. I thought it was my red hook, but it wouldn't come out the same size. Perhaps my tension has changed since I made it. At any rate, knitting it allowed me to just knit until I had the area of all the sides. Then, I used scrap fabric as interfacing for added sturdiness. I had some pink polka-dotted fabric for the final layer. 

That first basket is partly a proof of concept for a future project that I'm developing a pattern for. I'm really excited about it. On stream, I learned that iron on interfacing will absolutely NOT work. I wasn't surprised, but that means I either need to use some other fabric in between or source some regular interfacing to give it more structure. No worries. The iron on stuff is good for making patches, so I'll keep it for that.

For the other project, I think I want to use plastic canvas because I want it to be really firm. I wish there was a greener option. Cardboard disintegrates and wouldn't handle getting wet.

I got a first coat of varithane on my cabinet doors. 

Gaming & Streaming

I got nearly through the uncovering of the map. I think I'm nearly through all the side quests. Due to curling, I'll have to postpone the completion of the map. Given that the game goes up to level 100, I'm wondering if there will be a new map once I've completed this one and the current campaign that I haven't been working on.

Lifestyle & Sports

This week started with the IIHF Women's Bronze Medal Game where Finland managed to beat Czechia in a shootout. After that was the IIHF Women's Gold Medal Game where Canada beat the USA in overtime. The Americans looked so sad that I wanted to feel bad for them, but I couldn't dig deep enough to do so. Now they know how it felt for us last year.

After that was the banquet for my queer curling league. Somehow my team won our division, so we got to have our picture taken. I missed several games due to injury, so I've had mixed feelings about it being a win for me despite knowing my own contribution level when I could play. I think changing our lineup really helped us with the win as we started the year with a lead who kept throwing fairly accurately, but through the house, and a second who was often hogging the rock. In curling, that means it wasn't getting past the hog-line. Switching those two lead to more guards being placed and takeouts were possible earlier in the games.

Getting back to regularly exercising has been a goal for this month that I'm feeling decent about. Between that and regular physio, I needed to be ready for the Gordie Perry bonspiel that began on Saturday. My bonspiel team is from my Getting Started League group and our first game was to be on Sunday the 21st. Was my arm/shoulder 100%? No. But it was specific angles that aren't generally involved in curling, so off to play I went.

I finished the second module of a course I'm taking in my spare time. For those who know me, it might be surprising that I have spare time. I've been working to reclaim time in my schedule for a series of courses. It may take all year to complete them, but my mental health has improved a lot since I started this journey. I'm not yet sure where it will lead, but I'm enjoying it.

I've also been reducing my out in the world time to get more time for writing, music, and fitness in my days. This is especially important since ADHD meds have not worked out for me. 

On Friday, I enjoyed a steak dinner with roasted veggies, yorkshire puddings, and Apothic's Cabernet Sauvignon by candlelight, because why shouldn't I have romance in my life despite being single?

PWHL returned this week. I opted to watch the Saturday game from home because I had too much to do before Gordie Perry the next day and because I didn't want to take a chance that I would trip again and undo all my healing. Toronto beat Montreal. Boston beat New York. Ottawa shutout Minnesota, which was amazing to watch. It was the first time we beat them all season!


I got about half a page written on a horror screenplay. I got past the first of many hurdles I'm sure I'll face as I write the film. It feels good to make progress. 

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