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Easter 2022

After several hectic weeks at work, I happily slept in on Friday and eased into the day. Following that, I got a lot of decluttering done, some knitting, rehomed my books in a reorganized office space, repotted all my plants, wrote a ritual for the full moon, watched several episodes of Supergirl, paid a parking ticket, and made a lovely dinner of top sirloin with rapini and seasoned creamer potatoes. 

Saturday was a mix of decluttering, chores, and was capped off with a little full moon ritual and some homemade lemon wine a friend gifted me. 

Sunday was a very chill day. I did a lot of relaxing. I gamed and watched more Supergirl. I'm now close to finished Season 6. I also tried to do my drawing homework, but the assignment is a special kind of collage using tape to transfer an image and my tape isn't doing what it's supposed to, so I'm stuck there.

Today, I was an extra in Lee Demarbre's Enter the Drag Dragon. This was a returning role. In the summer, I was an extra in a fight scene with two of my dear friends. Today's scene was the final scene of the movie. Sadly, I went alone as my friends were recovering from Covid and just needed a day or so to meet the number of days after feeling well to ensure everyone would be safe around them. As I moved around the theatre a bit, I don't know where I'll be in the end, but I can't wait to see it!

My takeaway from the filming today was that drones are actually rather creepy. The sound they make is an odd frequency that is almost like a bee hive. Couple that with how easily they could be used to spy on someone and I felt creeped out by it. They're a wonderful tool for filming though.

But today actually began with me writing novel notes out at 5:15 A.M. because my brain decided it finally knew how to add a particular character arc. Now, I just need to find the exact place to do it.

I'm currently waiting on one more piece to finish reorganizing my office. It's supposed to arrive on Wednesday, but Canada Post is saying it might be late. I'm quite frustrated by the shipping options here as my last package went to the wrong building and I got lucky that furniture legs aren't something most people want to keep. I got extra lucky because it was a kind Asian man who walked my package over to my building rather than sending it back. So it did go awry, but turned out OK in the end.

I'm hoping the items I'm waiting on now don't get too delayed. Several of them form part of a goth outfit for an event at month's end. And there are much larger and taller furniture legs in there for the last piece of my office reorg.

Please check out my digital to-do list:

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