On Wednesday, I got to visit my young buddy and show him a few things in Minecraft. It was so good to see him, his sister, and my close friends in person. Their pug was also quite happy to see me too. I have a Minecraft book to lend him if his friends don't first. He reads now and I love that so much. His little sister reminds me of him at her age as she has trouble sitting still. He's much more patient now and his vocabulary is much more developed. She's a dear too. It was wonderful to have a bit of normalcy and to be able to hug my friends!
I spoke with my boss this week as the role I assumed has been too stressful in the wrong way for me, so some changes will be coming eventually. Sometimes one has to admit when something just isn't right for them.
On Friday, I went to a vaccinated-only house party with one of my friend groups and had an excellent time. Not only did I get to spend time with dear friends, but I got to try a 70s Gibson Marauder! The night wasn't without some bumps as I had difficulty getting there and even got onto the wrong bus on purpose to get away from a man who thought I would love to hear about his conquests with women. He wants to write a book about it all. I told him to go for it, knowing how much ire that would draw.
Before the party, I dropped off 4 boxes to donation as part of my ongoing declutter efforts. As I've been catching up on laundry, I've let go of some clothing I didn't really like and books I was never going to read.
Saturday brought with it a slight hangover and a need to retrieve my purse from my friend's house. Then I went to cast my vote in the advance voting beside my house. The rest of the day was pretty relaxed and I spent a lot of it rehydrating myself. The night ended with book club. I called it an early night.
Today marked a return to martial arts with Covid restrictions in place. I meant to do more after, like groceries, but I was really tired from being away from it for so long. I also had some things I wanted to do around the house before the work week is once again upon me like rearrange some furniture and really wanted a shower. A few hours later and my lower body is quite sore from the hour of standing and moving. I guess I'm more out of shape than I thought. I'm so happy to be back at martial arts!
Don't worry. I haven't forgotten about my writing.
For quite some time, I was all over the place when it came to Sparks. Things like time, place, point of view, main vs subplot, and more were so difficult to decide on. With each choice you make in a story, you close the doors that lead in other directions. Sometimes the idea of what could have been taunts me.
But here's what I have learned along the way. Closed doors may be closed from one direction, but the path may yet lead on to the other side of a door that was closed.
The most important thing to me when writing now is to move forward.
Currently, I'm still working on Chapter 5. I'm adding obstacles for a subplot that I hadn't made use of previously. This will fit in with a larger writing goal. I have some things to figure out and it's always on my mind.