Lately, I'm going with the flow. It takes a little extra work to achieve goals while doing so, but I think it may be good for me. Instead of making everything I do into a big deal, I simplify it.
As far as decluttering goes, this means that I gradually gather a few items and leave them by the door. When I'm ready to go out somewhere, I put them in the car and just slot the drop off into the rest of my plans. This way it's not a giant all day event and I get to feel a little less burdened by excess. Some may prefer getting it all done in one day, but I find it exhausting and a system shock.
In writing terms, I mostly let rejection roll off of me. I acknowledge it enough to think about whether or not I need to improve a specific skill, but I don't get upset that I didn't make it into an anthology. In fact, I may think about creating my own anthology instead. If so, it will likely be electronic only since they typically don't sell as well as other books do.
Of course, it's a little harder to go with the flow if you know there is a critical reason to exercise patience. There can be good reasons to apply brakes.
There is also a lot of good going on in my life right now that I cannot see the steps ahead for as few have walked such a path.
Simply being, to me, doesn't mean bopping along mindlessly without employing caution and reason. This is where my planning background can come in handy. I can think about several possible scenarios in preparation for what might come next, but I must realize that being too attached to any particular outcome would be harmful in some way.
Simply being allows one the flexibility to be fully present. This is mindfulness and it is a great way to manage stress levels. One can get the most out of each moment of every day.
All that said, I do have some exciting things going on. I have made it to the next round in the 2018 Screencraft Horror contest, which makes me a quarterfinalist!
I'm also starting my third week of a new job that I'm enjoying. My coworkers are friendly and helpful.
And I'm feeling extra blessed because I have a new friend who just wants me to be more me. As a result, I'll be uploading my full South Park episode script soon instead of just an excerpt. Why didn't I before? Well, I suppose I thought an employer may read it and pass on me because it's pretty out there...
And I've been making progress on my living room. Some parts aren't turning out nearly as well as I'd like, but they seem to be the best I can currently do and I'm choosing to accept them and move on.
Anyway, with all the excitement and a reno plodding along, I've been pretty absent the last couple of weeks. I'm finding the new groove though, so expect to hear from me more often again.