Arts & Crafts
I made a lot of progress on Fairy Cross-Stitch this week.
Someday, I'll finish it and start the next one.
I also did some more cutting and planning for my goth quilt. I need some more solids to go with it. I may need more patterns. I don't know. Planning a quilt is hard. I have some pastel goth parts and I'm thinking of various ways. It could be random, but it could also be a gradient. I like that idea, but that's impossible to plan without having all the squares ready.
Decluttering & Minimalism
I began clearing space to be able to work on the big shelf I will be installing to connect my two narrow bookcases together. This will give me a display space above them for all the fairy related things I want to make. It's 96 inches long, so it's a bit difficult to work on in Tiny Condo, but I'll make it happen. I'll be painting it red after it has been sanded.
Gaming & Streaming
We made it to the Kobold king, but he ran before we could finish him off.
Goal Setting & Tracking
- Arts & Crafts: Complete the royal blue on Fairy Cross-Stitch. (50%)
- Decluttering & Minimalism: Work on a workspace. (25%)
- Gaming & Streaming: Continue Pathfinder 2e campaign. (100%)
- Lifestyle & Sports: Curling and Softball (50%)
- Music & Songwriting: 3 lessons in Fender Play and 1 Coursera lesson. (75%)
- Reading & Writing: 1 screenplay page and 1 chapter of The Chatelaine. (50%)
Lifestyle & Sports
In Canada, it was a short week this week, so the week began with curling. Since my throat was a tad sore and my nose a bit sniffly, I stayed home. I felt tired and like staying in away from the chill of the ice was the best move for me.
The schedule for the second season of PWHL was released on Tuesday. All the games were added into my Google Calendar. I'm looking forward to a more relaxed year as a fan.
I was one sleep and a work day away from picking up my new car. I wasn't looking forward to seeing the finance manager again. Despite her not sending the information for the insurance until the day before, I had everything ready in time.
Getting my new car was a nightmare. It took two hours to get to the dealership because the city was gridlocked between construction and accidents. Once I got there, the dealership couldn't figure out how to get rusted plate screws off to transfer my plates. They actually suggested that I would have to come back on Thursday. I said no. I told them they should be prepared for things like this and they needed to figure it out. The KIA was no longer insured, so I couldn't drive it home. It wasn't an option. They couldn't access the service centre to get WD40. I told them they could go to Canadian Tire and get some then. I felt like a damned "Karen," but how on earth did they think I was going to get home and back with no car? After flipping out at them, they figured it out and "magically" my plates were transferred.
I hated every moment of that. I don't like getting angry at people, but it was absolutely necessary.
After that, I stopped at Timmie's for a crueller and some tea before meeting teammates at the batting cages. Hitting some balls was super helpful for my stress levels. We confirmed I hit much better with balanced bats instead of end-load ones. Unfortunately, the ones I own are end-load. Ah well. I'll figure that out some other time.
The drive home was thankfully much shorter despite the distance I was from home.
I hoped that the drive to softball on Thursday wouldn't be nearly as bad given the game started at 8PM. Thankfully, it was a smooth ride. I helped my team by tossing the ball to the pitcher in time to get someone out at home plate. The woman was a cocky sort, according to some teammates. I was completely oblivious to that as I was just focused on trying to do my best. Now I want to know who she is! It feels rather important to know...
But it has me thinking that I may be trying so hard to do well that I'm forgetting to just have fun. It is rec league after all.
On Friday, I went to Spirit Halloween with some friends. I got a mask, a prop, and a cup before getting some fast food. I haven't been eating well in over a week because of all the stress and fresh cut fries really hit the spot.
On the weekend, I got groceries done and contemplated the fact that I'm now middle-aged. Like, when did that happen? I never thought about what life might look like when I got here. I've accomplished some cool things, but I feel like there is a lot more to do yet. Sometimes, it feels like all my goals are too big to ever be possible.
Music & Songwriting
I completed my Fender Play lessons early in the week to ensure they would get done.
Reading & Writing
I made progress reading, but nothing on my writing. My condo is just too much of a mess, so I end up just thinking about all the things I need to get done.